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Vaccume lines... Help!!

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Hi guys

I recently blew my head gasket and have put it back on etc... My issue is the vehicle was only purchased a few weeks before it blew so I didn't have enough time to get used to where everything ran...

I had a few monkeys (mates) helping me and now I've got vaccume lines all over the place and no idea where they go...

I've got the standard upgrades pod filter bov td05 16g etc... What I need help with is does anyone have any diagrams of where each and every vaccume line should run... Also I'm running a standard intake not the cyclone

Thanks in advance



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Hey Danny, see if you can download the workshop manual (I think it's a sticky in the vr4 forum). Check the Chassis and mechanical section and you should find the diagrams there (source: I was looking at this yesterday :P ).

J-spec white RS-Evolution GVR4 - soon to move for the first time in 2 years  :thumbsup: 

A-spec maroon GVR4

A-spec silver GVR4 - sold and racing!!!



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Hey Danny, see if you can download the workshop manual (I think it's a sticky in the vr4 forum). Check the Chassis and mechanical section and you should find the diagrams there (source: I was looking at this yesterday :P ).

No worries thanks ;)

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