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HKS low temperature (75C) oil thermostat (Evo I-IX)

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  • Active Members
  • PipPipPip
  • 462 posts
  • LocationOkinawa, Japan
Got a new HKS low temperature oil thermostat for sale here (bet you'd never guessed that from the thread title!). The stock oil thermostat opens at 100C but this one will start the full cooling process early, opening up at 75C. I've got one fitted to mine and can highly recommend one for anyone who might be giving their Evo a little bit of gas every now and then. We all know how much heat these engines generate, so keeping temps low in any way we can is vital. And I should note it will work on Evos I-IX.

The cost of this would be AUD$90 including shipping from me to you worldwide, wherever you are. Take advantage of the decent exchange rate before it inevitably goes back down again.

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Edited by soldave, 06 April 2013 - 08:17 AM.

1/4 mile: 11.68 @ 114, 1/8 mile: 7.52s @ 95
Big in Japan: www.biginjapan.co

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