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SOLD - Evo 2/3 oz racing 15" rims no center caps

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Hey guys,

You all know what they look like, recently did a brembo conversion, and these no longer fit,

Pickup preferred, if it sells this week, I'll chuck a set of tires to suit with heaps of tread depth.

This could be cheaper then replacing your current worn out tires coming into the wet season

Rims are in good condition but not mint, no buckles or cracks tho

If your interested, please pm, asking $425

Located in Ringwood Vic.

Edited by (2much), 18 June 2013 - 09:49 PM.



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Sweet light weight oz rims, will entertain offers around $350 guys! These look killer on gsr' or stock out an Evo that had aftermarket rims on it.

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