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Lurker no longer.

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Hey everyone, name is Dan.

I'v been lurking for a few months now and have finally worked up the courage to join up.

I am currently in possession of a 93 GSR with a couple bits and pieces (cat back, FMIC, computer, fuel pump, etc) currently DEFECTED :( , looking to get it off in the next few weeks. Once defect is cleared I'm looking to put on a TD05, coilovers, rear sway bar, semi slicks a tune and see how it goes at the track.

Just thought this would be a good place to guide me along my way so if/when i run into issues (which is pretty much inevitable when working on cars) and also to meet people that appreciate the earlier evo’s and gsr's as much as I do.

So that's my intro...



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Welcome dude.

Sorry that you live in Adelaide :P

As you have proberly seen, it's a great site with good helpful peeps. Enjoy




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Don't be sorry, its my own fault..

Cheers mate



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Welcome Dan...heaps of good info on here in the tech section to help you out.
What did the car get defects for?
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]




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Too low and fixed sparco seats, that was all he needed (and what Mr. officer could see)... but its a regency defect so everything has to go befor i take it in for inspection.

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