Hi guys I own a VR4 Aus spec with a genuine 47k on the clock. Recently I had some work done on it, bigger turbo TD05 16g, timing belt, injectors for E85 and evo 3 dump pipe. My question is only had the car back for a short time roughly a tank of fuel and then it dumped all its oil around the timing cover and was making a loud noise. Have been informed its has a damaged balance shaft sprocket. Just curious how this could have happened at such low km.
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Posted 22 May 2013 - 01:38 PM
Posted 22 May 2013 - 06:36 PM
At a wild Guess, I would say the nut wasn't tightened up enough on the balance shaft pulley that is also your oil pump drive. If that comes loose, it comes away from the oil pump seal and sprays oil out of the pump under pressure resulting in oil coming out of the timing cover. But usually this rubs on the cover an you will get a plastic rub sound. This also shares your main timing belt also so it is lucky that you didn't throw the belt off as the valvea would crash.
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