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Motor swap limitations

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So me being new to the area I keep hearing chatter about how everything you do to a car has to be certified by someone or what not. I just picked up a 98 hatch an if I was to swap a 4g93 into it would i have to get it certified or could I just swap it an drive?
Also I've done some searching on the forum an cant find any performance shops that sell intake manifolds an injectors etc... Any help with that? Thanks in advance



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You'll have to do some reading mate. You can get the ADR's for your state online, then read, read, read. It's the only way to be 100% sure what you need to do. Every state if different, but from what I can tell, NSW is pretty hard on everything.





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Ok thanks for the first part
An eBay for performance intake manifolds an such ??



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Ok, maybe not eBay for mani's. Googles first result looks nice.




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Being a 98 hatch I'm assuming you mean a mirage?? If so you'll need to get a 93 out of a later model gsr lancer ( 96 on) which I understand was not available new in Aus??? Mitsi turned the engine around in the newer series. These motors are quite hard to get hold of. Have you considered an Evo 4-6 63 conversion? Only asking as an Evo 4-6 halfcut is probably a lot easier to get hold of and you'll have all the bits you need to do the conversion properly. If you find the laws In your state won't allow this type of conversion you could also drop in a 4g92 mivec out of a mirage cyborg. They sound great revving to 9k and make 175hp for a 1.6 na motor in standard trim. Just my 2cents




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Being a 98 hatch I'm assuming you mean a mirage?? If so you'll need to get a 93 out of a later model gsr lancer ( 96 on) which I understand was not available new in Aus??? Mitsi turned the engine around in the newer series. These motors are quite hard to get hold of. Have you considered an Evo 4-6 63 conversion? Only asking as an Evo 4-6 halfcut is probably a lot easier to get hold of and you'll have all the bits you need to do the conversion properly. If you find the laws In your state won't allow this type of conversion you could also drop in a 4g92 mivec out of a mirage cyborg. They sound great revving to 9k and make 175hp for a 1.6 na motor in standard trim. Just my 2cents

Wouldn't have thought of those ideas! Since we don't have either Evo 4-6 or 4g92 in the states def was not the first thing on my mind. Besides searching online I wouldn't know where to go to find stuff like those. I was just thinking of pulling a 93 single cam out of a 2000 lancer or something an boosting that.



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What about a later model dsm 4g63? U guys have those over there. Any of the 3rd gen motors should fit your application I think. When I pop the hood is the timing belt cover on the right or the left side?



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Jump on a dsm tuners community forum surely someone will have knowledge of what's available to you that you can use

jack be nimble

jack be nimble

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G4cj? 3g 4g64 2.4 dohc na in 2001-2003 ish hyundai sonata.
Go big..
4g93t jumbuck conversion. PRANGED 18/3/12, CHECK MY MEMBER RIDES Page 11. no serious human injuries.
ON THE ENGINE STAND. g4cs 2.4l + Gt35r. PLUS: auto conversion + Awd coming.
thanks for parts and help: BMGTZ, EVOCPE, cwolf, Benozi, Jamo-GSR, 1JUM2NV, RXVII..much appreciated, cheers guys.
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Timing belt would be on the left side so any Evo after the Evo 3 would work. Yea dsmtuners was a big help back in the states. Thanks for the input I have a good idea of what I think I'm going to do

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