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Australian Tarmac Rally Championship: Snowy River Sprint (23-24 November)

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  • LocationMelbourne, Australia
Any of you guys want to come do this?

I did Round 2 at Lake Mountain and had an absolute blast (driving at over 160km/h in tight twisty roads!)

I am helping the organizers get some numbers for the touring event. This is basically like a cruise, but with unrestricted speeds on closed public roads (no cars and no police!!).

This one is on November 23-24 and for $600 you get unlimited driving and a cocktail party!!

Any vehicle is welcome, it can be a complete rally car, track car, street car or even a stock car!
All you need is a AASA license (which you can get on the day for $50) and a helmet.
A navigator/passenger is not necessary at all.

Download the entry form

Lake Mountain Tarmac Sprint Tarmac Rally Documentary:
(watch this to see what the event is all about)

Australian Tarmac Rally Championship website for more information

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Looks awesome. :thumbsup:



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Tim McNeily is a fun guy. :)

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