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Cutting out problems

- - - - - cutting out stalling fuel

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I've got a 1990 VR4 (E39A) and i'm in the process of getting it running at 100%.


This morning it was running okay but the cars not pulling as hard as it should in the lower revs. Its still okay to cruise around town as it drives fine unless you want some speed. i feel as though the car should have alot more performance.


On my way home though the car just kept cutting out. It would run quite rough then stall. i'd have to crank it for about 20 seconds while giving it gas to get it started again... My idling was all over the place and the car was not happy. The car had a slight smell of unburnt fuel and it has been using alot more gas than it should for just driving around town.


The car has a Evo 0 ECU, 510cc yellow top injectors, 16g turbo and an evo 0 AFM.


The car has new coil packs, plugs, and leads so im sure thoughs arent the problem.


If any one can help me out that would be great.

Ross Cox

Ross Cox

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See if the transistor for the ignition is good. We had one that did that and the wires in the plug were very sick.



Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: cutting out, stalling, fuel

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