I have mine out so I thought I'd snap some pics that might help.
Pic 1 is the holder you need to take off.
Pic 2 is what you need to unclip to remove it from the housing so new brushes can be installed
Pic 3 These are where the brushes are soldered, a good soldering iron (60-80 watts) should melt the solder easily, just use some pliers and not your fingers when pulling them away

When you solder
in the new ones, make sure the little loops are clear of solder, you can open them up a bit to get the new brush wire in then just press them shut and put a bit of solder on them, not too much as you want
to avoid the solder wicking along the wire making it solid.
Pic 4 This is what healthy-ish brushes look like, they are spring loaded to keep constant pressure with the commutator.
The last pic is of the commutator (or slip rings as some call them)
Hope this helps