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HSGR Air Conditioning

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Hi all


When I last had my HSGR worked on, a couple of items were flagged which I promptly forgot about considering it's been mostly winter recently.


One of these items was an oil weep around my air con compressor and after turning the air con on the other day, I've noticed I have hot-con. My air con used to be super cold from 'go' so there's definitely something amiss.


Does anybody know of part numbers for the compessor or what suits it from other models?



I also need the top radiator hose outlet as mine has corroded, I have a genuine part number of MD318743, approx $110 from Sydney. Any local options known?



Thanks :)

1997 Mitsubishi HSGR RVR
2005 Honda CBR600RR



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hey mate, have a compressor from a 97 HSGR here, air con was icy cold when it was on the road, if you can't find anything else let me know.



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Hi Moonchook, I'll PM you :)

1997 Mitsubishi HSGR RVR
2005 Honda CBR600RR



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I also have an RVR compressor. $10 plus postage



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Cheap as....↑ 

[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
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I checked the car over today. When I turn the air con on whilst the car is idling the revs drop, and I hear the clutch and compressor turning over, doing its thing. So I'm hoping just a re-gas is in order. From there if there's issues they can diagnose with the dye for any leaks and we'll go from there.
1997 Mitsubishi HSGR RVR
2005 Honda CBR600RR



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For $10,  I would be grabbing that compressor just in case.

[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]



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Thank you for all the help everyone, I had the air con re-gassed on Saturday and a couple of o-rings needed replacing. All seems to be in order for now :)

1997 Mitsubishi HSGR RVR
2005 Honda CBR600RR

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