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Kayak fishing

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  • LocationThe home of unemployed bogans - Hervey bay,

Hobie have a yak called  Adventure Island which has a sail and 2 outriggers making it look like a mini trimaran, expensive as all hell, seems like it would be hard to handle in a stiff breeze.


I have a 44lb on my plastic pig, but I might just get one of these for the Cuda




Haha mate we have massive great whites down here in Tassie, rival SA i reckon! But you don't worry about that.

To the left is an island, the right is another island, it was a killer day, hit the water at 8am and it stayed like that till 5pm when I finally got back.

It's down the south east of tassie a place called blackmans bay.


I checked that out on google maps, looks bloody brilliant, get much tidal run and swell there? At burrum heads the combination of outgoing tide and incoming swell at the mouth make for an invigorating paddle, no-one stays dry LOL.


After my bull shark incident I take the 5 metre kayak out in salt now, if the friggin shark wants to eat my flabby arse he'll have to much though a whole heap of plastic first.

Edited by Benzo4gT, 15 November 2013 - 10:27 PM.

Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay







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Bull shark incident??


Yeah mate we have some big tides going, through that island section the flow through there is nuts! No way you'be in a kayak when its on song.

Around blackmans bay its not too bad, when the wind picks up out at another spot its a wet wet ride but so much fun!




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The incident was just a bully following my fish up and chomping all off and leaving me the head, all happened 2 metres from me, I could see the shark, it was longer than my kayak 2.7 mtrs, put the wind up me and made me paddle for


the shore and have a small heart attack. Hasn't happened since, but I was chatting to a mate of mine yesterday and he was casting for bait off the boat ramp and had one bump into his leg nearly knocking him off his feet, was only a


small one though chasing the surface motion, but still, there are more than a few in that river. Even up the top in the brackish stuff. Apparently they are mating around Buxton hole, breaching the water and cork screwing in the air, a


sight to see for sure. 

Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay





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