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4G63T 2G A/C compressor & power steering bracket
Posted 04 December 2013 - 12:53 PM
Posted 04 December 2013 - 12:55 PM
Just to specify, he needs the cast bracket that bolts to the block with the 4 bolts that sits behind the power steering bracket
------------------------- 4G63T AWD COUPE -------------------------
----------------------- WWW.EVOCOUPE.NET -----------------------
Posted 04 December 2013 - 07:17 PM
Posted 08 December 2013 - 05:31 AM
Posted 08 December 2013 - 08:50 AM
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]
Posted 08 December 2013 - 12:32 PM
Posted 03 January 2014 - 11:53 AM
hey guys, if your talking about the cast bracket that does the engine mount and the power steering mount im pretty sure i have that, and the ac bracket, not sure if i still have a compressor, do you need the tensioner bracket for the ac belt also? will have all the bolts required to if you need anything extra.
1987 mirage cyborg 4door 4wd. decent mods, looks boring, goes hard. 4g63t e3 hypersport turbo, ecmlink, os giken twin, front center and rear mechanical lsd's launch machine!
Posted 04 January 2014 - 06:58 AM
hey guys, just double checked and i have it all, the ps bracket evo style, ac bracket, ac compressor, and the ac belt tensioner bracket and tensioner bearing also. would have any bolts you need for it to if need be. send me a PM or email [email protected] if you are still chasing it or pictures or what ever.
cheers Simon
1987 mirage cyborg 4door 4wd. decent mods, looks boring, goes hard. 4g63t e3 hypersport turbo, ecmlink, os giken twin, front center and rear mechanical lsd's launch machine!
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