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turbo drain always leaking gone threw 3 gaskets in 2 weeks hellp

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Had the leaky oil drain issue this week when I swapped sumps. I tried a few different solutions mentioned (except oem) but ended up making my own gasket which is proving itself ok. I found the leak is from the bolt holes so in order to seal them up I made a gasket from radiator style rubber-fabric-rubber. This seals the bolt holes as clamping force of the bolts squashes the rubber, the fabric stops the rubber from just squashing and splitting. Bit amateur but working the best by far at the moment.



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Mr.Croket, here is the one that you are running




Its fits OK, not great.... I don't like the bend that is in the hose when fitted, they needed to have a different angle fitting.


My 0.0002c is ... don't weld the sump ! I tried that and the heat ending up make other parts crack! ( it was done professionally ).


Genuine bolts, 2 x gaskets at once with the aeromotive hard setting goop + leave it for 2 days after.without oil. That seems to do it.

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