Yeah the RVR 4th to 3rd kickdown going down a 70+kph hill is handy, but it is annoying when it kicks back on
near flat roads. You can flick the console toggle switch to man & back to auto to get it back in 4th in auto
mode or leave it in man mode. In auto mode, you don't have to think about shifting so much & your trained foot
can control how far you stretch the gears. In man mode, it is a man & it's up to you to pick your gears to suit
the revs etc. I use man a lot & if I'm at 40kph in a corner, I can wot 2nd gear & it won't kick back to 1st.
If I want 1st gear in man in that corner, I pull 1st gear 'AS' I accell out, at exactly the same time.
If you haven't noticed, the RVR auto won't go back to 1st unless you get down to 45kph in auto or man mode.
That is written in the eprom.
Pull 1st gear at 70kph & you'll notice you have 2nd gear. Slowing down, you will know it when you reach 45kph
when you will get thrown forward while being off throttle ;-) That's why 1st has the button for safety.
Edited by Rockabilly, 19 January 2014 - 03:41 AM.