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Firing order

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Can some one please confirm the attached is the correct firing order? The coil pack has the following number engraved 4-1-2-3. Thanks.





Edited by RVR97, 02 February 2014 - 11:17 AM.

RVR 97 - begging for more torque!

RVR X3 2000




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That's the one ;)  However, if ecu has been changed with something else and/or it won't fire, try swapping 2&3 with 1&4.


Are you just changing out the leads to fresh ones?

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Yup I'm changing to new leads...

RVR 97 - begging for more torque!

RVR X3 2000




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The 4G63 firing order is 1-3-4-2. 

But yeah, as far as the coils go one coil does 4&1 and the other does 2&3.

The numbers are usually engraved on the coil pack brackets. You cant really mix them up unless you had the coil packs off the brackets and cant remember which one went where lol

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Its not that important. 1 and 4 can interchange on its coil and 2, 3 can interchange as well. You can swap them to diagnose a miss.
But as marked on the brackets is correct.
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Bracket marked on 4-1-2-3. I guess my diagram was correct hahaha.

RVR 97 - begging for more torque!

RVR X3 2000

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