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Free bits.

- - - - - Bullbar Towbar.

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Hey guys, 


Got the front bullbar and towbar from my SSG. 


If anyone wants them, take them. Located Bunbury WA.


Trying to have less crap when I move houses/Keep wife happy.



Edited by rexhunta, 09 February 2014 - 09:46 AM.




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I'd be very keen for the tow bar depending on freight cost to qld. I'll get some costs :thumbsup:  Can you get me a weight on the tow bar?

Edited by Benzo4gT, 09 February 2014 - 07:13 PM.

Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay







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I'd be very keen for the tow bar depending on freight cost to qld. I'll get some costs :thumbsup:  Can you get me a weight on the tow bar?


I'll try and get you the weight tonight, also got someone else who is wanting it too.



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Bar itself is 10kg without wrapping, about 1300ish long. No mounting hardware just the towbar itself.


Only reason i took it off is because I couldn't run with an aftermarket exhaust. Due to where to where it sits, the muffler is in the way.

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