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External sensor input question/confirmation

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On my short list of upgrades to get for my VR4 is ECMlink rather than the generic chip I have. I want to use wideband o2 and EGT for tuning, and wanted to check I can do it the way I think I can from reading the wiki. Can I use the EGR input for EGT and after observing what the stock o2 sensor outputs, use it's input for a wideband o2, and use the stock o2 simulator function? If I can it means I don't have to buy seperate gauges/loggers, which would mean more money and hassle getting all of the tuning data together.

ECM Link, 399 MAF, 560cc injectors, 270 cams, TD05-20G @22psi, 3" dump, full 3" mandrel exhaust, intercooler, Fidanza alloy flywheel, 4 bolt LSD, EVO IV brakes, Strut braces, coil overs and sway bars.



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There is no input on the VR4 that's directly compatible with an EGT sensor.  I know there are some gauge packages (like ApexELEGT) that provide a 5v EGT output, but unless you have that, there's no way to datalog an EGT sensor directly with the VR4 ECU.


That said, once you have a wideband wired up, I'm not sure an EGT will provide all that much more data.  


Your other thoughts / plans are correct on the wideband.


Thomas Dorris



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OK, so if I skip the EGT can I use EGR in for an LC-2 WB and leave the stock o2 alone? Thanks.

ECM Link, 399 MAF, 560cc injectors, 270 cams, TD05-20G @22psi, 3" dump, full 3" mandrel exhaust, intercooler, Fidanza alloy flywheel, 4 bolt LSD, EVO IV brakes, Strut braces, coil overs and sway bars.

jack be nimble

jack be nimble

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Egr is a output.
Put your wbo2 in the dump and log it in ecmlink and simulate nb. Wire it to front o2.

If you want a gauge to look at in the car, get a innovate mtx-l its cheaper than a lc2 and gauge.

Edited by jack of all, 09 March 2014 - 03:29 PM.

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