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VR4 "Green" Group A Hubs and what bearings you use

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    Dirty rotten cheating 4WD

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As I am going to take the VR4 to the rally of the bay and not just Khanacross the car, I have decided to drag out my version of rocking horse poop.


A "New" pair of Green VR4 hubs! (Yes, very pretty, no, im not saying how much I paid... they were not cheap!)


Unfortunately the Hubs did not come with Bearings, Drive flanges or Bearing retaining Rings ( they screw onto the front so you dont use circlips and the bearings dont walk). And the bearings are much bigger than the standard ones. it appears the flanges are are 3000GT FWD flanges. from the Homoligation papers ( The photo's are pretty poor)


Does anyone have any info on these things? Or a list of the part numbers you need, or anyone has one I can have a look at? Google has been very scant on the sunbject.



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Hi Pete

Im after a pair of standard (non ABS) hubs. going to get Mike Dale (blackvr4) to machine them with the adjustable screw in retainer.

have you got a good pair of hubs lying around? never had a problem with pad knock off  till last event, got to pump the pedal

nearly every time now!!


Robert Burke

( the other blue VR4)



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Our gravel VR4 has "Green" knuckles, but I am sorry but I don't have a record at the moment of the bearings. If you have a good bearing shop up your way, they should be able to cross reference the bearing , given the external and internal shaft dimension ?

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