Save yourself the pain mate. Take a tub of vas.
Why Northam cops? I'm not sure VSB's make it out there. I agree that the 301 is your ticket out of the pod issue, I'm just not sure you will have any luck trying to convince the Northam traffic Sargent. Best ring a licensing centre and talk to someone that could actually be able to do something about it. $0.02
It was the northam coppers that got me george , was on the way to racewars. One officer was a wanker and the other was shaking his head at him while he slapped the canary on it.
Only reason he did it i reckon is my car comes up as suspended driver as im on resriction , i had my mate drive the car up i nicely explained i was trying to do the right thing and his reply was pop the bonnet
took one look at pod and his mind was made up , none of my mods are dodgly done or cheap shit either. He even tried to tell me its not a factory turbo car !!!
I managed to explain to him it was , he didnt even pick up on the fact there was not bat in engine bay... Needless to say he was a clueless cuntstable and just wanted to book me for anything in my opinion.
After much research and phone calls today all i can make from the 301 is that the vehicle is exempt from adrs in its factory form, so basiclyy they cant pic on me hyaving no repeaters in the fenders or my awesome little green vr4 jspec fender lights !!!
This is not stopping me from lodging a complaint about the issuing officer though , im with in my right to and i will , 2 can play the game of being a wanker i reckon and im married so i thi k ill win the wanking game hahahaha