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Front Diff Swap

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So got a problem... just got sent these photos from my gearbox builder.






He confirmed the box is diffinitely broken, but i've got a slightly bigger other problem - looks like my front diff is cactus too. 


Need to find another matching SSG front diff, or a matching rear diff to the other HSG box.



Or just send the car to the scrap yard.... shit !



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Closer inspection ( picked it all up today), was close to spitting the teeth of the output shaft of the box that goes into the diff. 2 teeth had cracks. bits of bearing carriers everywhere, and on the shaft 1 of the gears was jammed into the casing causing that massive gouge out of it. 


Next few weeks i'll pull major things from the car to sell, then send the shell off to be crushed. If anyone needs anything WA wise, let me know. 


Other then that, here's the new whip i bought. had 15kms on it when i drove it out last night. 



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