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E38A rs gearset into E39A box

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thinking the go is grab some gears of mike and get the box rebuilt , ive got a spare w5m33 with a cracked bellhousing but i aint letting him have any of it as im currently running a cp51h with notchy 3rd and its only a matter of time till it goes pop hahahahaha


Can the rs steel shift forks go into a regular w5m33 ? ive got a set in my parts stash i was thinking of putting in my w5m33 when i pull it down to fix bellhousing




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The steel 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th forks came on the EVO I-III's (and probably the GVR4 EVO 0 as well I guess after this conversation).

5th gear was cast steel for all the W5M33 gearboxes although newer variants for EVO III and RVR had the nylon type pads on them.


The 1st/2nd hub and slider was the same size used for all the W5M33 gearboxes (GSR, RVR, EVO I-III) and can also be used on E38A and E39A GVR4's as well.

BUT, 3rd/4th slider size depended whether you had a small hub or a large hub 3rd/4th gear arrangement.

EVO I-III used a small hub 3rd/4th arrangement.

A typical GSR, GVR4, RVR used a big hub 3rd/4th arrangement and with it a large slider width that a wider fork fit into. A steel fork is too narrow to be used for it.

So to answer your question, the RS steel shift forks will suit 1st/2nd gear in a regular GVR4 gearbox, but the 3rd/4th fork wont.

AWD. 2 Litre. GTX3076R 0.82.
330kw atw @ 28psi 98 pump fuel.

372kw atw @ 28psi E85 Flexfuel.



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These are the RS steel shift forks i have , they are identical in width possibly they could both be used in a e39a vr4 box



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these two

Attached Thumbnails

  • P5220002.JPG
  • P5220003.JPG



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Yes, they will be ok in the E39A box.




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Depending which size hub the E39A is using for 3rd/4th gear.

If its a big hub it wont suit. See pics.


Your bloody GVR4 gearboxes are a mixed bag of lollies.

Gimme a GSR and EVO I-III box any day, at least I know what sizes come in those lol.

Although one EVO 1 coded gearbox I opened came with a big hub 3rd/4th gear setup (similar to early 1G DSM transmissions and I assumed GVR4 as well. Could have even had the ol' switcheroo done on it with DSM internals but it definitely had a big hub 3rd/4th setup). 


Anyway, let us know what he finds in the E39A box  :)  If its the small hub setup then its good.

Im not overly clued up with the different types of GVR4 gearboxes as I've had about 3 or 4 come my way over the years and I didn't hold onto them for too long. Because the ones I got didn't mate up to any of the GSR/EVO shafts or centre diff, holding onto them was futile.

Attached Thumbnails

  • GSR, GVR4.jpg
  • Big hub vs Small hub 3rd-4th.jpg

Edited by EVO-00X, 22 May 2014 - 01:53 PM.

AWD. 2 Litre. GTX3076R 0.82.
330kw atw @ 28psi 98 pump fuel.

372kw atw @ 28psi E85 Flexfuel.



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Last time i had my e38a box open it had both small,forks its a w5 box too but has alloy shift forks. I think ill keep the rs steel forks for my box , some,many variations




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Yes Croket, full cast shift forks are extremely hard to come by now in good nick. Mitsubishi don't manufacture them anymore. The replacement is a revised item that has nylon-type pads on them. They have less friction than the fully cast items, but some guys that like to shift hard have broken the pads of them. Even when you look at the EVO IIII parts listings now, theyre all the nylon padded type for 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th shift fork. 5th shift fork is mostly a fully cast item across all the W5M boxes ecept one of the RVR boxes. I pulled down an RVR box that had the nylon pads on the 5th fork! Still have it here too lol.

AWD. 2 Litre. GTX3076R 0.82.
330kw atw @ 28psi 98 pump fuel.

372kw atw @ 28psi E85 Flexfuel.



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nice well ill definatly be keeping them for my box rebuild when i finally get around to it , ill be sure to take pics of the internalls of it when i open it up

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