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i need a mechanical engineer

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hey guys i need the contact of a mechanical engineer to come and check out a hoist for me. and write a report on it. if you or anyone you know is one i'd like to hear from you


yes it's me KHUBNER



    Wannabe Racer

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I'm a Mechanical Engineer!


Whatever it is - it looks good, feels good, tastes good and must be butter because I cannot believe it's not butter and I fully endorse it under the powers given unto me by the Mechanical Engineers Association for the Planet of Earth.


Go forth and hoist away.



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    Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks

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huh? wut....



Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally

I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.





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I have a couple mech mates. It sounds like you need a consultant though.

jack be nimble

jack be nimble

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  • Locationperth sor. 20 mins from brians place
Engineers signatures are about $10 from india.
Write your report, send it off and it will come back all signed off.

Im sure thats what we do at work. The shit I see....bloody engineers, give me the shits.
4g93t jumbuck conversion. PRANGED 18/3/12, CHECK MY MEMBER RIDES Page 11. no serious human injuries.
ON THE ENGINE STAND. g4cs 2.4l + Gt35r. PLUS: auto conversion + Awd coming.
thanks for parts and help: BMGTZ, EVOCPE, cwolf, Benozi, Jamo-GSR, 1JUM2NV, RXVII..much appreciated, cheers guys.
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