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Brembo brake hose lengths

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No matter where I search, I cannot find the info I desire - I have tried here, other forums and Google!


I am after the flexible brake hose lengths for Brembo-equipped Evos, mainly the V & VI, but also the VII-IX.  I am looking at fronts and rears.


I am converting the RVR to Brembos, and this info would make it easier to see if I can buy a set of hoses off the shelf, rather than having some made up.  Although the RVR fronts are in two parts, I believe a single hose can replace the two.


So obviously, I need to know the lengths!  Approximate to +/- 1cm, including fittings, is fine.  Here's hoping! :)



    Hyundai's can't fly!!

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I have some E9 braided hoses I can measure if you like.

I'm not sure if they are the same length as stock ones though.



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I have some E9 braided hoses I can measure if you like.

I'm not sure if they are the same length as stock ones though.


Any help is appreciated!  They should be the same length as stock, as they will have the same fittings and are designed to replace the stock hoses without any other changes.


I have also discovered that the rear hoses on the RVR have two separate flexi sections as well!



    Hyundai's can't fly!!

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Front: 580mm


Rear: 350mm

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