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Evo 3 and GT Pumps ex. manifolds

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Hey guys,

I've got two manifolds here that are taking up shelf space.
Both in Horsham VIC. I travel to Melbourne regularly, so I can do a meet up if needed.

One is an Evo 3 stock manifold
Good upgrade from a stock gvr4 manifold, because they are a little bigger on the outlet to the turbo, but mainly because they dont seem to crack in the webbing like the stock vr4 manifolds.
This one has had an EGT sensor, so there is a bolt plugging the hole in one of the runners. Also has a couple of bolts broken off in the heat shield mounts.
Price $70

The other one is a used GT Pumps aftermarket manifold.
Very beefy compared to the evo and vr4 manifolds. 
I believe that it is probably the best manifold to use if you want to keep your engine bay looking standard.
it has heaps bigger runners and turbo outlet, but is a bolt on replacement.
Price $150

I am neIgotiable on price.
If anyone shows interest, I will get some pictures up ASAP.
My contact number is 0447 0440 62





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Can i just say, that's a pretty good price for the GTPumps manifold, been running one for years, great stock bolt on replacement.


4G63t Powered 1993 Hyundai Excel - Finally finished, Fucked.




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