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Motul 300V Racing Oil Range

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  • LocationSydney, Australia



Motul, manufacturer of world class lubricants and pioneer of Ester technology, announces the latest evolution of their 300V line of automotive racing oils.  Using Esters at the heart of its technology, 300V is recognized worldwide as a leading racing oil product.


The 300V range suits all racing gasoline (Leaded, Unleaded, Ethanol, Methanol) or diesel engines, naturally aspirated or turbocharged fitted with injection (direct /indirect) or carburetted. (For race prepared engines operating over a wide range of rpm and temperatures.)


This new reformulation further improves engine lubrication with its advanced blend of Esters, 100% synthetic base oils and a package of innovative additives.


Today’s highly developed engines make far greater power for their displacement and this places greater demands on the engine’s oil.  Knowing these demands, Motul’s R&D department developed the reformulated 300V with two important targets in mind:  an increase in engine power – the main focus in competition; and increased engine reliability.


The result of comprehensive development is Motul’s newest technology, Ester Core®. Used exclusively in the reformulated 300V, Ester Core provides an increase of up to seven-horsepower in comparison with that attained by rival products.  Add in extremely low oil consumption and perfect engine protection even in extreme conditions, the 300V range remains the benchmark in motorsports lubricants.


The reformulated 300V line now has eight different product options.


Six viscosities found previously in the line include:

•             0W20

•             5W30

•             5W40

•             10W40

•             15W50

•             20W60


Two new additional viscosities include:

•             0W15 for pure performance

•             0W40 for power and optimized reliability











For more information on the full range of 300V products visit: https://www.motul.com/au/en/products/oils-lubricants?f%5Bapplication%5D=140&f%5Brange%5D=25


We’re here to help!

If you’d like some tips on how to read our product labels or maybe you’re wondering which is the best type of oil suited to your car? Send us a PM!

If you have any questions about any of our products please feel free to get in contact with us.

Edited by motorculture, 08 August 2014 - 06:57 AM.

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Choosing the right engine oil for your car can seem like a daunting task, especially with the number variations and scientific terminology adorning each bottle of engine oil lining the shelves at your local automotive store. Thats why Motul have devised their new range of premium everyday 100 synthetic engine oils suited to late model vehicles, known as H-Tech.

weisse zahne

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