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Need help installing GReddy Profec B Spec Boost Controller

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The hole in the top of the waste gate is threaded so might be dual port.

Didn't understand about the pressure inlet hose. Can you elaborate?

Sorry I just don't want to stuff this up so I want to be sure before doing it all and it seems everyone has a different opinion on how it's supposed to be done.


Edited by zboost, 02 September 2014 - 02:48 AM.



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jack be nimble

jack be nimble

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By your instructions you posted, your blue line from the turbo to the wg is correct.
But you need a fitting for the hole in top of wg. Then a hose from that fitting to the 'OUT' of the module. Then you need a pressure source from somewhere (I think youcould 'T' into the blue line) and run that to the 'IN' port.
Thats what your instructions say. And what unhuman said.
The only bone is where to take the pressure for the 'in' port. I thought it was from the turbo (byby5l agrees) and I added a port to my set up for this reason. The bov port is after the tb, so im not sure if this is correct. Jayrome says after tb is ok.

Up to you, or research more about where to take the boost referance from. But your other referance is from the turbo so I would think to use the same one?

Edited by jack of all, 02 September 2014 - 03:00 AM.

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You wont destroy anything if ya test drive it nicely, ive spiked my gsr to 25+ psi when I forgot to connect the w/g hose,
end of the day the ebc needs air in and out of the motor, and a 2nd in to the controller, as long as the in is reading boost from the intake system and out is going to your wastegate, I dont see it really causing a problem

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