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toms vr4 sleeper project
Started by evo_zro, Sep 02 2014 11:42 AM
Posted 02 September 2014 - 11:42 AM
Has anyone else seen this? very good and informative videos for those noobs like myself 😃
Has anyone else seen this? very good and informative videos for those noobs like myself 😃
Posted 02 September 2014 - 11:56 AM
Yeah was a good project.
4G63t Powered 1993 Hyundai Excel - Finally finished, Fucked.
Posted 02 September 2014 - 11:56 AM
Yeh its not a bad watch his dsm goes hard.
1991 aspec Vr4 - RS Vr4 4g63 - td05 16g - 510 injectors- haltech ps1000 pnp - walbro 400 pump - custom exhaust manifold - hotbits coilovers - alot to come
Posted 03 September 2014 - 12:56 AM
Posted 03 September 2014 - 09:39 AM
Go buy a gvr4 now people.
- evo_zro likes this
AMG | http://www.4gtuner.c...mmc-galant-amg/
GVR4 | http://www.4gtuner.c...shi-galant-vr4/
Springy Motors | Autronic | Motec
Posted 04 September 2014 - 06:26 AM
Yes, subscribed to Tom's channel. Also Really recommend Jafro as well, it's all US DSM's, but still all 4g63 goodness - https://www.youtube....ser/Jafromobile
- evo_zro likes this
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