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Fuel System Upgrades

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Hey guys, so did a quick search with not much on here about upgrading fuel system.

So the fuel pump has been on the fritz and I decided it was time to replace it with a walbro 255 ( Yes I bought it from meek to be sure :) )

Removed the rear seats, brackets, front seat, pulled the carpet all the usual stuff, unbolted everything except for the main fuel line.

Whoever did it up last was a bigger gorilla than me because I've kinked the bloody steel outlet line and rounded the nut off with flare nut spanners...


So my thoughts are bugger it, while i'm there fixing that I should just replace everything and be done with it.


So being new to all things fuel, I've done some research and narrowed it down to a running AN fittings, size 6 for now. Apparently they are good for 400-600 HP which is way more than I'll need.

I'm looking at this kit http://www.streettun...to_rail_kit.htm as it seems to have all I need.


Has anyone else done it with other suggestions?

Is 6AN enough? 

My plan is to use the exisiting pump plate, drill out the current steel lines and weld/replace them with screw fittings.

That way it's all "factory" without too much headache.


Your thoughts would be much appreciated.



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Hey man,

Exact same thing happened to me, all I ended up doing was following the main fuel line down about 30cm and there is another hose link. Spray lots of innox and some elbow grease. Then the whole cap and hose can be pulled out through the car.

Cheers, mike



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Thanks Hyper-Mike, I emptied half a can of RP7 on there already with not much luck. 

I'll follow it down, worst case is I'll cut it and flare it, explored the AN fittings today...TOO expensive for now.

Also explored the welding them on, our welder at work was like "nah, if that plate warps you're stuffed, and I don't want anything to do with that"

My boss suggested putting on some EFI hose and clamps and put a barb into the hose after cutting the nuts out, may also just head down that route.

Edited by deepsouth, 16 September 2014 - 09:30 AM.



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No worries man, Yea mine was soooooooo damn tight, I had a big ass open ended spanner on each side haha! My Walbro is a whiny little bitch though haha



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Semi on topic, but where is the fuel filter?  Is it below the brake master cylinder?  Looks like a biatch of a job to replace without disconnecting anything else!



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Yep in the engine bay under the master cylinder....I haven't done mine yet though I should, just looks like such a mission!

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