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k sport coilovers good bad or utter shit ????
Posted 30 September 2014 - 01:04 PM
Posted 30 September 2014 - 01:19 PM
GENUINE CE9A evo2 gsr track car
all fabrication BJP AUTOMOTIVE
winton 1:27.4 /// sandown 1:21.5 /// phillip island 1:49.2 /// haunted hills 59.1 /// eastern creek 1:35.4 /// winton short 1:01.4
Posted 30 September 2014 - 01:51 PM
ten foot pole is still too short to touch them....
Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally
I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.
Posted 30 September 2014 - 01:56 PM
Posted 01 October 2014 - 02:08 AM
You would probably would be best with some MCA blue or red series shocks, fairly cheap and a good product.
Posted 01 October 2014 - 08:15 AM
Posted 01 October 2014 - 09:46 AM
Posted 03 October 2014 - 12:15 PM
So what other options are out there re: coilovers for Galant VR4?
Putting aside the KSport, J2, D2, G4, KLS crap, what decent coilovers are available for this car?
Hotbits don't sell coilovers for them anymore. So is the only other option BC coilovers?
I'm not sure if MCA make anything for the Galant? I haven't spoken to them about it. Just guessing because they've only recently made them for CD9A.
BC have two different types, one has an external fluid reservoir to allow cooler operation in race conditions.
Apart from this, is there any other benefit that a street car could benefit from these?
Edited by MDK87, 03 October 2014 - 12:19 PM.
Posted 03 October 2014 - 12:48 PM
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