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changing housings on a td05

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Ive got a gtpumps 20g im looking at changing the rear housing to a t3 flanged one with vband. Going to use external gate off manifold. Im wanting to know if i can change the comp housing to a td06 25g setup??



    Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks

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changing from a 20 to 25 would involve a compressor wheel change along with all the bullshit that involves...my advice and I am going to assume this is a TD0520g??  if so sell existing turbo....buy the one you want and it will work out a better option as you would get the bigger exhaust wheel on the td06

Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally

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If the tdo5 rear housing is in good shape, i.e. not cracked, I might be interested in buying it off you.

Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay







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Im keepin the rear for another turbo sorry mate , ive been talkin to mo as he has a td06 and a td05 to compare to eachother. It seems the td06 comp wheel and housing wont fit the td05 core. So i think im better off just getting a t67 25g with t3 housing and v band. I was just wanting to experiment and try keep it cheap



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Yeah brian its a gtpumps td05 20g , wanting to go bigger but not to much. I want to comfortable make 420hp with room to move. Ive got all supporting mods and forged engine

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