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anyone else done something stupid?

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Hypothetically what would one done if ceramic pieces off a spark plug fell through the spark plug hole?
Already tried vacuuming with tube
Used claw thingy .
Tried blu tack on the end of a tube
Ive read that starting the engine with
spark plug removed could work but there s a good chance the pieces would fly out the exhaust valve and into the turbo. I have tdo5. How strong are turbine wheels on these turbos?




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Hypothetically what would one done if ceramic pieces off a spark plug fell through the spark plug hole?


One would have dashed all hopes of ever becoming an explosives technician :P  


On a serious note, have you tried compressed air? It might be safer to do if it was on the compression stroke so the valves are shut.


I have seen a nut be removed from a cylinder in the way you described, but I think it would be up to you to determine if the pieces in your example are small enough for this to be safe.

Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay







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I do like explosions but not of the 4g variety.🔥 I don t have a compressor but I should be able to borrow one. I have a bore scope atm I can see 4 largish pieces on top of the piston. I just need a claw on the end of the bore scope and I will be sorted. Such a small spark plug hole



    Blurring the line between 1st to 3rd Gen engines....

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how bout this?



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Jayrome I have one but won t fit down the hole at the same time as the bore scope.



    Grumpy old man from the school of hard knocks

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might be a bit harsh on the piston crown but can you crush the pieces into smaller particles...really small.


then get a hose about 5mm id....it needs to be about 2 meters long. now a vacuum cleaner.....shove the hose inside the vacuum hose about 500mm and use some tape to hold it there. dont block the end of the vacumm hose or this wont work. turn on the vacuum and you should get a little bit of sucking action{dont we all like that!} now insert the hose inside the cylinder and vaccum out the pieces.

Black evo 1 full road rego and done properly/legally

I have heaps of parts...but never the one I need.





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Sounds like a plan. Im on holidays for 2 weeks and I won t be home. Ill try this when I get home



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Sounds like a plan. Im on holidays for 2 weeks and I won t be home. Ill try this when I get home



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What about using bore scope to move them to the centre then use claw to grab them , might take a few shots but will get them. Or try brians vacum idea but not crush them , just let them suck onto the hose and remove

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