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Bonnet latch

- - - - - Bonnet hood

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Hey guys! so my 93 GSR has bonnet pins which i am thinking to remove, problem is that i have no bonnet latch unit and the bonnet cable is cut.. This is probably a stupid question but if i buy a lancer mx, glxi or bonnet latch unit with cable would it fit or does it have to be a gsr one? i have a fiberglass e3 bonnet too...


Thanks for your time


Heres a pic of my GSR :)10325727_10204168743684502_1731599026753

Edited by 4bangr, 20 October 2014 - 02:15 AM.




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The reason you dot have a std hood catch is probably because the fibreglass hood doesn't have the receiver loop forte catch to lock onto

yes it's me KHUBNER




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Ohhhh yes now i get it... so only way to resolve this is to get a gen evo bonnet??

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Bonnet, hood

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