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4g63t into gsr
Posted 26 October 2014 - 01:00 PM
Posted 27 October 2014 - 07:59 AM
nope because the 4g63 wasn't optioned on any cc lancer in australia. jut get it mod plated man its $300 then you don't have to worry about some ass monkey cop
yes it's me KHUBNER
Posted 27 October 2014 - 08:06 AM
Edited by AshGsr, 27 October 2014 - 08:07 AM.
Posted 27 October 2014 - 09:30 AM
Posted 27 October 2014 - 10:23 AM
Just another thought...
You could forge your 93t and not have to worry about all the other stuff you need to do to get the 63t into your GSR (as per the thread “2lt conversion FAQ's/Help ideas”). Oh, and you don't need a mod plate (just thought of that, hence the edit)
Depends how much power you want I guess and how much you can do youself and if you can get hold of a decent 63t.
Edited by Dave_GSR1.8, 27 October 2014 - 10:25 AM.
Posted 27 October 2014 - 12:59 PM
Posted 28 October 2014 - 09:56 AM
I have to admit I don't know how much it would cost but that sounds reasonable, maybe a bit more?
I reckon you would be doing well to do a conversion to a 63 for that sort of money...
Posted 29 October 2014 - 12:17 AM
Posted 29 October 2014 - 09:15 AM
I've just done an engine swap from the gsr 4G93T to a 4G63T, engine swap done by MEEK.
I had to get a blueslip done again, but the only thing that needing changing was the engine number, as going from the 1.8L to a 2L is within the 20% power increase limit.
Easy process if you find a blue slip guy that knows what he's doing, I called up 5 guys who wouldn't do it without an engineers cert. Then decided to do the extra drive to a blueslip guy i've used twice before, he confirmed the new engine number then changed it in the system, then went to the RTA to have it changed in their system. Done and done
Posted 29 October 2014 - 11:09 AM
doing it this way would be entirely possible but you would require the factory leterheaded pecifications of the 4g63
The following are
Basic Modifications
that may be performed without certification providing the
modifications are carried out in compliance with the requirements detailed in Clause 2
Fitting a replacement new, used or reconditioned engine;
Fitting a manufacturer’s optional engine together with any associated components as
supplied by the manufacturer for that same model vehicle;
Fitting replacement original equipment engine and exhaust components;
Fitting replacement original equipment, equivalent or better, components that have no
influence on engine performance or emissions (e.g. higher volume oil pump than original);
Fitting equivalent engines with an increase of up to 20% of original power.
In all of the above cases, if the engine is modified, it must be certified under the relevant Code
of Section LA.
The following is a summary of modifications that may be performed under Section LA:
Fitting engines greater than 120% of original power and/or engine mass;
Fitting performance engines;
Fitting engines from non original equipment sources;
Installing a supercharger or turbocharger; and
Modifying the engine and engine components that results in an increase in engine power
of more than 20% and/or affects exhaust emissions
this would rely heavily on what is considered an equivalent engine.
yes it's me KHUBNER
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