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ECM vs Stand alone

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Hell, what do you mean "Is phantom knock still a big issue with these sensors?"


I have been watching a CEL come on sometimes (more than occasionally but not frequently)  with ECM Lite and a reasonable tune, I'll be pretty stuffed it is a prob with the knock sensor! If it is, is there a better than OEM knock sensor that can be fitted ?


Re "I thought ECMlink incorporated a software based configurable knock signal filter to combat this?"


is this what you mean ?


Attached File  ECM lite knock sensor setting.pdf   11.38KB   89 downloads

Edited by Dave_GSR1.8, 28 November 2014 - 10:54 AM.



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That setting is just for the mil on your dash.. phantom knock is a big issue i feel.. i'm going to use my ecmlink in my drag car.. i think i will tune with the knock sensor disconnected...




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In ECMLink, you can not only change the knock count value that will trigger a CEL, but you can also command the ECU to ignore the knock sensor below a user set rpm threshold.

You just use the logs you record to determine if it's real or phantom knock that you're dealing with.
Ian, Aberdeen.

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This ^ is what I was trying to say Dave. 



    Gday maaaate

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Who wants to trade an Autronic SMD for an ECM LINK for a VR4?


I'm going back to a daily driver on the AMG so I would like a stock ecu.


Btw, entertaining read above from the WA guys.

Must be something in the water.

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