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want to lower my RVR HSGR!! sell me what i need!

- - - - - coilovers Springs suspension ride height

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hsgr greek

hsgr greek


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Hey guys i want to lower my rvr hsgr whatever i need to get it low hook me up :) cheers in advance !

Located brisbane but can travel



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Depends how you want to do it, coilovers? Lowering springs ?


I don't know anyting about coilovers (can't afford them) but try




for springs. This catalogue is for mild lowering, they also have other catalogues for 


King Springs 2014 Super low and Ultra low Catalogue


I can't see your model but give them a call as they may be able to help anyway. Worst case, you waste 10 mins on the phone...




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The rears get some serious camber on them when you lower them. I have pedders on mine, not flash but it sits nicely and won't break the bank. They are as low as I will take mine.


They do have a habit of really squatting down when performing a spirited launch so get some good quality shocks. I have some Evo X rear coilovers which I am going to modify to suit mine.


I think leon r has put some later Evo ones in his RVR, he might be good for some tried and tested suspension advice.

Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay





hsgr greek

hsgr greek


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Thanks guys ill have a look into them :)

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