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rim fitment help

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hey guys thinking of getting rims for my 95 RVR sportsgear and was wondering if anyone knew if the particular rims im after would fit.




17/8 +30






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What wheels are they? Check the bore(wheel centre cap) size 67.1mm should be what you need, but put some verniers on the hub to be sure.


That sizing is the same as Evo 6-10, I have Evo 8 enkeis on mine and they fit really well, much better offset than stock.

Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay







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I'm Running evo X enkis they fit great i need to fix my rear springs tho.....

Understeer is when you hit the wall with the front of the car and oversteer is when you hit the wall with the rear of the car. Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall, torque is how far you take the wall with you.



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What wheels are they? Check the bore(wheel centre cap) size 67.1mm should be what you need, but put some verniers on the hub to be sure.


That sizing is the same as Evo 6-10, I have Evo 8 enkeis on mine and they fit really well, much better offset than stock.

  xxr 527




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hey guys thinking of getting rims for my 95 RVR sportsgear and was wondering if anyone knew if the particular rims im after would fit.




17/8 +30




Using  18x8.5 et 36 + 5mm spacers. Rear dustcoats rub off

Rays 17х8 et36 fits with front brembo.  


For your 17x8 et30 with stock brakes & 215/45 R17

to suspension- 100% sufficient (more than stock)
to fenders- wheel will bulge outward by 21 mm (0.8 '')  

to wheel arches- 100% sufficient (even more than regular) 

Attached Thumbnails

  • 83b9b34s-960.jpg
  • 2015-03-21 20-39-24 Скриншот экрана.png

Edited by PiterRVR, 21 March 2015 - 06:06 PM.

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