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Libero GT

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  • Members
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  • LocationWhangarei ,New Zealand

Here's My 1995 LIBERO GT ,

















I bought it standard about a year ago with only around 136XXXX Kilometers on the clock , it was my daily for abit then I decided to turn it in too a project car heres what I have done so far:


TDO5H 16G Turbo

Evo 510cc Injectors

Evo Air flow meter

Evo Throttlebody

Walbro fuel pump

Upgraded intercooler & Piping

Stainless Exhaust Manifold

2.5" Straight through exhaust system

Tubosmart Blow off valve

Turbosmart External wastegate

Extreme Heavy duty clutch kit

100% Rear wheel drive

Lowered on superlows & shortened shocks


New front brake rotors & pads allround,  new coolant etc


only things left too do are battery relocation to the boot , and get a custom chip made for the modifications I have done .













    Gday maaaate

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Front end looks nice!

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