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Best ways to run in a fresh forged engine

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    10 second monster

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Maybe 200kms? I'd assume much less only because they can change the load on and off

0433 245 136
'95 Genuine Evo III - 310kw - 11.2 @ 129mph SOLD
'95 Lancer GSR - 340kw - 10.8 @ 129mph SOLD



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20 km's max....



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Really?? Only 20k's? 

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LOL... works for me ... and I've built ,bedded in and tuned more engines than I can remember for Race and rally... and street than I can remember over the last 35 years !! Remember, once loaded up on the dyno to bed rings in, as soon as the blowby subsides, the rings are sealed . Then it's time for some action ... There are a lot of Old Wives Tales and myths about extended bedding in of rings. If the bores have been honed correctly, it doesn't take that long with modern ring packs these days !

Ross Cox

Ross Cox

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G'day. How deep is your pocket. Dyno time is hourly rate. Did you gap the rings? I drove my Rally VR4 for about 30k's with short high load runs up a mountain road, not revving it out just using the torque, maybe 5500rpm. Then to the dyno. Dropped it off, picked it up next afternoon, rallied it a fortnight later after another 30k run to smile at the new power from the engine.

It goes pretty hard.



Edited by Ross Cox, 26 April 2015 - 11:11 PM.

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