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Wanted: CP9A Ralliart Floor mats

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Hi Guys,


Been a while since I've been on here.


I recall there was a group buy on CP9A Genuine Ralliart Floor mats a few years ago and unfortunately I missed out at the time.


By any chance does anyone have a set that they are willing to sell?


Please txt if you can help or point me in the right direction - 0416 100 151.





A-Spec VR4 - SOLD



    Hyundai's can't fly!!

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G'day stranger, yeah been a while alright. Do you still have your GVR4?


EDIT: Just saw your sig... :(

Edited by MDK87, 15 June 2015 - 08:19 AM.



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Hi mate, hope all is well? 


Nah mate sold the VR4 about  5yrs ago now. The bloke who bought it off me blew the motor and smashed the back of it all within like 4 months.. :( 


I'm potting along in a daily now but I've owned my E5 for close to 4yrs. All the usual bolt on bits and pieces, E85 etc.. Lot of fun. :) 


How about you? 

A-Spec VR4 - SOLD



    Hyundai's can't fly!!

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Ahh nice! 

I had a few cars since then also, CT9A, EC5A, N23W and other non mitsi's but I came back to the good old E39A's. Something about them that draws me in.

Shame about your old car.. That thing was clean..!

I'll get out of your WTB before Tim hits me with the ban hammer. He's got a lot shorter temper nowadays. Haha

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