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CV Joints

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Hi all spent the weekend swearing and fighting under my RVR. Managed to pull the driveshafts without damage to me or the car. 


I am having trouble with ordering the correct inner shafts for the front axle. It seems the front and rear are different. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Apparently one has 30 teeth and one has 23?


This is the only thing holding the car back from getting back on the road!




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I'm honestly unsure as to what you mean when you mention front and back as they are worlds apart as far as appearance.  


When you say inner do you mean at the front where they meet at the transaxle? I have spares in my shed and I could take some measurements for you if need be.

Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay







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Yeah thats right the inner joints that meet at the transaxle. There are 2 "inner"joints readily available but there is no differentiation given between the front or rear axle.


Thanks for the reply I will get to the bottom of it

Edited by JRDHSG, 16 June 2015 - 03:33 AM.

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