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evo 1 central locking not working (no alarm installed)
Started by 4g7bolter, Jun 17 2015 03:22 PM
Posted 01 October 2016 - 03:52 AM
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]
Posted 01 October 2016 - 04:26 AM
Posted 01 October 2016 - 05:37 AM
It has a similar setup and works in the same way. As you have found by using the search, the module is in the door instead of the boot area. The only other difference is the remote modual is in the key for E1 and on a seperate remote for the later models.
From that, the obvious solution, if everything else is working on yours..the module in your key is fucked, even though the led
lights up doesnt mean the module is sending the signal.
From that, the obvious solution, if everything else is working on yours..the module in your key is fucked, even though the led
lights up doesnt mean the module is sending the signal.
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]
Posted 01 October 2016 - 06:35 AM
The module and key have matching numbers so if I buy a new key it may not match the module.. I may need to buy both..
Posted 01 October 2016 - 09:07 AM
Posted 01 October 2016 - 09:26 AM
[qoute name="BMGTZ" post="331212" timestamp="1467451744"]I don't know anything ...
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]
Trust in the master of taxis.... He will set you straight[/quote]
Posted 02 October 2016 - 02:53 AM
Anyone know the part number for a evo 1 key blank or where i can get one i need a new one.
Posted 02 October 2016 - 03:14 AM
Posted 02 October 2016 - 09:37 PM
Normally I would agree that this is what programming does, but on the module there is a giant sticker that says " Key Number 3047 " and the fact it tells you what key it matches leads me to believe that each module will only program to its matching key... I will buy a new key and see how I go..
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