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CarAdvice Correspondent – Deadline Quickly Approaching

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The deadline for CarAdvice’s The Correspondent Competition is quickly approaching! This once in a lifetime opportunity is not to be missed out on. If you like the sound of a paid gig as an automotive journalist and an all expenses paid trip to the Tokyo Motor Show courtesy of Mazda then this is for you.  With plenty of entries already flooding in, here are 10 tips to help you put together the best owner review you possibly can.


How to enter:

All you need to do for your chance to win is hop onto thecorrespondent.caradvice.com.au, check out the brief and then submit a written or video car review. Three finalists will then be selected to attend auditions in Sydney on 15 August to test-drive the new 2015 Mazda MX-5 with the CarAdvice Expert Panel, including CarAdvice founder Alborz Fallah, TV presenter and car enthusiast Lauren Philips, and Australian WRC Rally Driver Chris Atkinson, who will select the winner.  


Don’t forget to jump on the competition website and browse the reviews submitted by the CarAdvice community and vote for your favourite entry. Just by voting you will go into the draw to win a $500 petrol voucher and the entry which receives the most votes will win a $1000 petrol voucher

Watch the video for more information about how you could become The Correspondent:

Check out the current submissions HERE and vote for your favourite or get reviewing!

Entries close 27 July 2015. For full terms and conditions, visit: http://thecorrespond...radvice.com.au/


Edited by motorculture, 16 July 2015 - 01:28 AM.

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