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oil leak from head gasket

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Sorry I'm not sure what is classed as the front of the engine, maybe I'm explaining it wrong. :) The oil seems to be on the block behind the turbo, all over the slave cylinder and on the front and side of the oil pan? I did a compression test but it came back good as the mechanic shop said it looked like it might be the head gasket, but it drives so well, I even checked the head bolts but they were tight. The oil leak from the timing cover side has all been fixed, new cam seals etc. its got a new rocker cover gasket and the oil pan has been resealed, the slave cylinder is new.

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Edited by mat, 16 April 2016 - 09:43 PM.



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Still could be head gasket if it has blown out near an oil gallery but just not a cylinder, your comp test would still show up as good I'd imagine.

Could also be the turbo oil feed at either end, if it was leaking from the turbo end it might be spraying back towards the block. Or if it's leaking from the head end it could easily leak down the block and bell housing.




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check the cas oring for leaks should be obvious just run your finger under the cas.

also again degrease and drive and look sound like it may also be the return tube. also remember when you change the filter you are going to spill oil ALL over that section of the engine.

yes it's me KHUBNER



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I've cleaned it all up and I'll keep an eye on it and see if I can figure it out

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