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wtb cc lancer gsr front window regs electric

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as title states guys, in need of front right and front left window regs asap , show me what you got cheers 

jap spec lancer gsr



    Wannabe Racer

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There are power windows in that j-spec Lancer sedan at pick-a-part Campbellfield.

"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin



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woooww really, how long ago was this 

jap spec lancer gsr

jack be nimble

jack be nimble

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Saturday. Door trims are even off for you
4g93t jumbuck conversion. PRANGED 18/3/12, CHECK MY MEMBER RIDES Page 11. no serious human injuries.
ON THE ENGINE STAND. g4cs 2.4l + Gt35r. PLUS: auto conversion + Awd coming.
thanks for parts and help: BMGTZ, EVOCPE, cwolf, Benozi, Jamo-GSR, 1JUM2NV, RXVII..much appreciated, cheers guys.
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Let me know if you get stuck man, I have a front and rear set of electrics.

Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay








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Werent you chasing some ages ago? Pretty sure I said to come an grab em, might be someone else but I ended up chucking them



    Wannabe Racer

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Saturday. Door trims are even off for you

Saturday morning the doortirms were on - Sunday morning they were gone!.  The window regs and glass are all def still in the doors though, harness was intact too (apart from the pwr mirror branch I snipped!)

"I got an idea, an idea so smart my head would explode if I even began to know what I was talking about." - Peter Griffin



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Can buy new regs off ebay brand new for like $50..? Well, could last time I checked anyway



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sweet thanks guys 

jap spec lancer gsr

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