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Evo 2 gearbox

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Hey guys i have an evo 2 gearbox all gears are perfect selects and shifts smooth no crunches.... transfer case input shaft needs to be changed i have one thats about 70% in good condition that will come with the sale.... side gearbox housing is cracked as i didnt line it up properly

So selling as is $700

Change inputshaft and casing and you got urself an evo2 gearbox




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Can you supply a pic of the crack in the casing?

Been burnt before buying used gearboxes that guys have said were fine except for a slight crunch, only to open them up and find the oil was black and there were chipped teeth all over the place and galling in the centre diff. Basically an 80% throwaway the last EVO 2 box I bought from someone I didn't know.

If it came working straight out of a car that had no noises and the oil was clean it would be a different story though.

AWD. 2 Litre. GTX3076R 0.82.
330kw atw @ 28psi 98 pump fuel.

372kw atw @ 28psi E85 Flexfuel.



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Inbox me ur number ill send you pix

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