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Sumo from The Cayman Islands

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Good Day All,




My name is Gabe, some friends call me sumo :D. I live in the Cayman Islands, and I've had My Evo 3 for a little over 10 years. During that time I've been modifying it here and there, but nothing extensive “yet".


I've been on the site for a few years just lurking around. Time to come out of hiding!



Edited by sumo, 04 November 2015 - 02:20 PM.




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Welcome Sumo, awesome pic ;)


Look forward to following your build

Bit of a tool, and owner of "The Turdis" - Hervey Bay








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Bloody shadow lurkers! lol, glad ya did come out of hiding, we all love a good e3,
Gunna check out ya build now too



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Hey mate, welcome! Nice E3 you got there! They seem to be very popular in Central America. The scene is pretty huge thanks to Puerto Rico yeah?  You have been around for a while- are you familiar with a user named 'JDMBAH'? He has/had a black EVO 3 in the Bahamas

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