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Look what Santa threw through the window :D





jack be nimble

jack be nimble

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Should put a head gasket on top of that, could run a 150mm stroker crank then
4g93t jumbuck conversion. PRANGED 18/3/12, CHECK MY MEMBER RIDES Page 11. no serious human injuries.
ON THE ENGINE STAND. g4cs 2.4l + Gt35r. PLUS: auto conversion + Awd coming.
thanks for parts and help: BMGTZ, EVOCPE, cwolf, Benozi, Jamo-GSR, 1JUM2NV, RXVII..much appreciated, cheers guys.
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. —Enzo Ferrari
REMEMBER: you cant polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter.



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Should put a head gasket on top of that, could run a 150mm stroker crank then


The sad part is...I made a joke about the same thing  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



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Happy New Year to ALL.


Hope the Christmans break and New Years was enjoyed by everyone. It's been a little while since I last updated the thread, coming to you with with mixed emotions. 

The reason being is because I decided to part out the Ole Girl. :(


A friend of mine gave me an offer that I couldn't refuse. This was something I had to battle with for pretty much 2 years. Making the decision to spend twice the money to rebuild the Evo 3 OR spend half and buy the Evo 7. Then he dropped the price for me (1k less).


Some specs on the Evo 7:

2001 EVO 7 JDM 5-speed
Walbro 255 Fuel Pump
1000 cc PTE Injectors
Innovate LC1 WB
ETS equal length tubular manifold
Custom 3" TBE
Turbotrix intake pipe with HKS mushroom filter
HDI FMIC and Piping
Kelford 272 Cams
Turbonetics GTK550 ball-bearing oil and water cooled Turbo
Tial 44mm WGA
93 octane @ 27 PSI
VD 470Hp/366Tq
Other things to consider on the Evo 7:
5 lug comes stock
Brembo Brakes
Wider fenders
More wheel choices
Jack's 'Indestructible' Transfer Case
Full 3" exhaust
I wouldn't have to worry so much about chassis flex.
I wouldn't have to change the roof panel.
90% of what's made for the Evo 8 can work on the Evo 7, which leads to more available parts.
I've already started the process of parting out the car. Mixed emotions through the roof!!! I guess the best thing I did, was to hold off on buying other parts. And the parts that I bought can swap right in, so if needed I'll still build a 2.2L 4g63. 
Sorry to be a let down, but spending the kind of money I was planning to spend was a little far fetched, and i kept lieing to myself that I could do it :D Yeah Right!
What's most important to me, is the prevention of making friendships and most importantly my marriage from going sour. it's a tough choice, and the Evo 3 will always be my favourite, but unfortunately I have to say goodbye.


Edited by sumo, 12 January 2016 - 03:15 PM.




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:o oh dude, I reckon you'll miss ya 3, but on the other hand... the 7s pretty decent and being so cheap now, I know exactly why ya did, good platform with alot of the core bits being very capable,

still cant beleive ya parted it out... very sad :(

Edited by BYBY5L, 12 January 2016 - 09:47 PM.




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NOOOOO! The best evo is the one with 'CE9A' stamped on the firewall, everyone knows that!

4G63t, AWD, Widebody

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Whats happening with the torque plate? :P

jack be nimble

jack be nimble

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Still fits a 7
4g93t jumbuck conversion. PRANGED 18/3/12, CHECK MY MEMBER RIDES Page 11. no serious human injuries.
ON THE ENGINE STAND. g4cs 2.4l + Gt35r. PLUS: auto conversion + Awd coming.
thanks for parts and help: BMGTZ, EVOCPE, cwolf, Benozi, Jamo-GSR, 1JUM2NV, RXVII..much appreciated, cheers guys.
Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. —Enzo Ferrari
REMEMBER: you cant polish a turd, but you can roll it in glitter.



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I know :P i was going to ask if i could rent it haha



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Until i realised the distance lol



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Lol... A weee bit out of reach😂😂😂



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Just a touch :(

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: 2.2L 4g63, 4g63 rebuild, Auto cross Evo 3, Coilovers for Evo 3, Evo 3 with Evo 5 rear fenders, Evo 3 chassis mount spoiler, Evo 3 5 lug conversion, Evo 3 Big brake Kit, Evo 3 rebuild

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