Vr4 conversion into GSR


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Isiah Pila

Sep 1, 2015
perth, wa
chur everyone I have a vr4 engine lined up and want to put it in my Gsr but I have no idea what I need to make it work or what to do I know it requires a lot more work then the 3 but I'm getting it put in by my mechanic so just want to know what I need to have parts etc to do the conversion.

Cheers in advance.
It's mostly in here bud


Main thing with the vr4 is the passenger engine mount sits the engine too low on that side, either modify it to fit at the proper height or use the two piece evo mount (which requires a small section cut from it to clear the water pump on the vr4). And also requires removing and refitting the timing belt.

you can't use the vr4 injectors unless you run the vr4 ecu (doesn't fit the gsr loom) or have a programmable ecu, not sure how well it'll go on gsr afm/injectors/ecu but evo1-3 afm/injectors/ecu works fine and plugs straight in.

Don't forget to read the extra section on the passenger side hanger for the driveshaft.

Hopefully your engine came with the flywheel and clutch, they're both different to the gsr