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Haltech vs evo 7 ecu

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Haltech has alot of safety features that make it superior to factory ecu for anything that makes good power. We try to run oil pressure, fuel pressure and air fuel ratio fail safes in all haltech cars we do now. In my daily gsr im going e8mr ecu real soon on a flex sensor and speed density only because im a tight ass.

with the new elite you also have knock control so oil press temp fuel press afr etc all realy good for saftey of the engine. the elite 1500 isn't that much more than the sports now but your still looking at around 2k for the ecu and loom vs what 500ish for the oem ecus

yes it's me KHUBNER



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The elite 1500 is far superior to the sport series. From memory its a quad core processor instead of single, you can overlay 4d tables now too. You get the new elite software also and can log straight to usb.
We don't usually run knock control on any of the cars we do as its been average in the past and we have never had any problems.
We are a premium haltech dealer and have already done a few elites in the last week and a heap last year. In saying that most of the evos we tune are on std computers because it will do what you want and they dont really need anything better.
4g63 GSR.




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The elite 1500 is far superior to the sport series. From memory its a quad core processor instead of single, you can overlay 4d tables now too. You get the new elite software also and can log straight to usb.
We don't usually run knock control on any of the cars we do as its been average in the past and we have never had any problems.
We are a premium haltech dealer and have already done a few elites in the last week and a heap last year. In saying that most of the evos we tune are on std computers because it will do what you want and they dont really need anything better.

not debating that. i'll probably upgrade to one down the track. given a choice between an elite or a sport new now i'd take the elite the initial outlay isn't much more and it's going to be far more supported by haltech going forward

yes it's me KHUBNER



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does the elite have a patch loom as well or is it just the sport?




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same connector as the ps1000

yes it's me KHUBNER



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awesome looks like ill be saving up my money and going haltech in the near future. cheers for all the info and help guys

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