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JL Audio 12W6V2-D4 Sub in Ported box

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    Diamonds are forever....

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Hey guys,


I have this amazing 600w RMS sub in a professionally designed and built custom ported box that needs a new home. It's dual voice coil and can run at 2ohm stable.


The box could do with a re-carpet as it was only carpeted around the front side of the enclosure for when I put the arm rest down. If you know SPL you will know how hard these crank. Sadly, it doesn't fit in my Cadillac so has to go. I have an amp too if you need one!



After $300. If you would like pics or any other info, feel free to PM me.







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That's a bitchin sub, GLWS!

----|VR4 4G63 RS|MicroTech lt8s|TD0625g|Ported & Polished Head|HKS Front Mount|3" Exhaust|----
|Coilovers|Swaybars|VR-4 2pot Calipers|TP rears|Evo3 Master/Booster|Evo 3 front bar|Side Skirts|Rear Lip|

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